opening prayers for bible study

Opening with prayer brings us into God’s presence and magnifies the work He would do in us through reading the Word of God. Let’s take a closer look at the importance of opening Bible study with prayer.

Why an Opening Prayers for Bible Study Matters

There are several important reasons why believers should open every Bible study with prayer, whether it’s private study or corporate worship. First, opening a Bible study with prayer invites the Holy Spirit to participate with believers while they read. As 1 Corinthians 2:14 instructs us, “Now the natural man doesn’t receive the things of God’s Spirit, for they are foolishness to him, and he can’t know them, because they are spiritually discerned.” Therefore, with the Spirit’s guidance, the meaning of Biblical passages is more easily grasped and readily revealed.

By using an opening prayer before Bible study, we also adopt a posture of humility. Presumption and pride are dangerous traits to bring to the Word of God and may prevent us from receiving the blessings God wishes to bestow. Lastly, short prayers before Bible study remind us of why it all matters in the first place: to deepen our relationship with God. By speaking to Him before we begin, we remember that the Lord isn’t a book of ancient texts, but a living, breathing Redeemer who loves and cares for us in real-time.

Opening Prayers for Bible Study 

Opening prayer for online Bible study or other settings for studying God’s word is essential, but oftentimes, people are intimidated by praying in public. While all prayers are adequate to the Lord, and the Spirit petitions the Lord on our behalf when we don’t know what to say (Romans 8:26-27), it can be helpful to see sample prayers written out.

We’ve composed several simple prayers that anyone can use to open your next Bible study. Find the prayer that most closely aligns with your next gathering and boldly present yourselves before the Lord.

Personal Worship

Dear God,

I come before You with an open heart and a mind eager to receive Your Word. Guide me as I review this passage of scripture. May it bring me ever closer to being more like You.

In Jesus’s name,


Family Worship

Heavenly Father,

As we open Your Word together, send Your Holy Spirit to be with us. Give us wisdom and understanding, from our littlest one, [CHILD’S NAME], to our oldest, [CHILD’S NAME], and everyone in between. May this family reflect heaven’s light for all to see.

In Jesus’s name,


Studying Scripture With Unbelievers

Dear God,

We come before You with curious minds and questioning hearts. Not everyone here knows what to make of You, Lord, but they’ve come here to find out. Send Your Holy Spirit to be with us now, to show us the truth in Your Son, Christ Jesus.

In His name, we pray,


Studying Scripture With New Believers

Dear God,

Lord, our hearts are Yours. We love You and are eager to know more about who You are and what You teach. Be with us now as we take in Your Word. Help us to be receptive to what You would teach us today. If we don’t understand, then grant us the patience to dig even deeper. May this time together form us, instruct us, and keep us until the coming of Your Son.

In Jesus’s name,


Studying Scripture With Close Friends

O Gracious Heavenly Father,

We are so grateful for this fellowship of friends. The love we share is all because of You and Your love for us. As we take the time to examine Your Word, may it enrich our lives, nurture our spirits, and deepen these relationships. We live only to glorify You.

In Jesus’s name,


Studying Scripture With a Small Group

Lord our God,

We glorify Your name. Thank You for bringing this small group of believers together to study Your scriptures. In faith, we say this opening prayers before Bible study no matter what baggage we brought with us today, so please help us to set it aside and focus solely on You. We trust You to carry our burdens and reveal Yourself to us in Your Word.

In Jesus’s name,


Before Studying a Difficult Passage

Our Father in Heaven,

We’ve gathered today to take a closer look at a difficult passage of scripture. Lord, 2 Timothy 3:16-17 teaches us, “Every Scripture is God-breathed and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for instruction in righteousness, that each person who belongs to God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work.” But, God, we’ve encountered a passage we do not understand but desire to know better. May we approach this humbly and with ready hearts and minds to learn what You would teach us, no matter how difficult, so that we may indeed be equipped for every good work.

In Jesus’s name,


Studying After a Difficult Season

O Sovereign Lord,

We are gathered here because we would be faithful and true, no matter what life dishes out at us. But, God, we’re weary and heavy-laden. The enemy continues to attack and burden us with the cares of this world. So, we come to learn of You, for You are meek and lowly of heart and promise to give us rest (Matthew 11:28-29). May we find that here, now, as we dive into Your Holy Word.

In Jesus’s name,


Studying After a Tragedy or Personal Loss

O Lord our God,

Have mercy on us, for we are grieved. This [tragedy/loss] cut us to the quick, and we raise our voices in lament. We’ve gathered here to study Your Word, for where else can we go, Lord? We don’t have answers and are in so much pain, but we surrender ourselves to Your care. Grant us the peace that passes understanding (Philippians 4:7) and draw near to us now.

In Jesus’s name,


Before Studying the Bible Outdoors

O Maker of Heaven and Earth,

Thank You for the special opportunity we’ve been given to study here in Your marvelous creation. We utter these short prayers before Bible Study to put our hearts in the right attitude. Your son spent His life in the wilds of Israel to learn more about You. In the same way, we’re gathered here in Your first work to read Your good book. May this fresh air and warm sun sharpen our minds and deepen our peace as we study these precious truths.

In Jesus’s name,


A Prayer of Blessing for Your Next Bible Study

Opening prayers for Bible study can be vulnerable, specific, and simple. The Lord does not need convoluted recitations to hear and draw near to His children. He’s eagerly standing at the door, knocking, waiting to be let in (Revelation 3:20).

Whether you’re studying with new believers or dear friends, may these prayers be a blessing to you and your fellow readers at your next Bible study. Here is one last prayer we would offer for you as you go out and study God’s word:

Dear Gracious God,

Thank You for the gift of Your Holy Scriptures and the blessing of studying its precious truths for ourselves. Lord, as these readers take these prayers to their next Bible study or meeting, may they rest in the confidence of Your love for them and Your Lordship over heaven and earth.

You promise that if we seek You, we will find You, and that’s our prayer for those who would offer these opening prayers for Bible study: to see You in a way they’ve never seen You before.

In Jesus’s name,


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