Wedding blessings

25 Marriage Prayers for a Bride and Groom

Prayers for marriage help Christian couples thrive. Marriage is a sacred covenant, beloved by God. It was given to us for our edification, companionship, and God’s eternal glory. Submitting these relationships to prayer is essential if we want to stay connected in a world bent on tearing people apart.

Regardless of whether you’re looking for a wedding blessing or prayers for a loving marriage, these top 25 marriage prayers for a bride and groom can get you started. Use them as they are or as a springboard to write your own. Use them to pray as a couple or pray individually. Either way, make prayer an essential part of your marriage.

NOTE: Bible books, chapters, and verses are notated in several prayers. These are for reference or further study and do not need to be prayed aloud.

Strong Marriage Prayers for a Bride and Groom

Strong marriage prayers focus on submitting yourselves before God and opening up to Him and to each other. Choose the prayer that speaks the most to your current circumstance, or pray one every day of the week. Either way, you can’t go wrong.

Prayer for Unity and Oneness 

Our Father in Heaven,

You designed marriage to reflect the oneness You share with the Son and the Spirit. Your holy Word tells us that “a man will leave his father and his mother, and will join with his wife, and they will be one flesh” (Genesis 2:24). That’s our desire, God, to be one flesh. 

Draw us together, Lord. Unify our hearts and our minds. We want to commit to unity in Your name. May we be humble servants toward one another, submitting in all things. We do not ask these things for our glory but for Yours alone.

In Jesus’s name, we pray.


Prayer for Love and Compassion 

Father God,

Thank You for the love You so lavishly bestow on us. You are our shining example of tenderness and compassion. You’re the reason we can even love at all (1 John 4:19), and we long for you to teach us how to treat each other better. 

We pray for Your refinement in our marriage. Strengthen our unconditional love for each other. Strengthen our desire to be compassionate and show grace upon grace. Lord, it’s easy when we like each other, but we want to love even when it’s hard. We want to love even when we don’t feel loving or kind. Bend our stubbornness so that, instead of reaching inward, we reach out for one another.

Only You can do this for us, God. We submit to your transformational power, your wisdom, and the saving grace found only in Christ Jesus. 

In His name, we pray.


Prayers for a strong marriage

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Prayer for the Ability to Forgive Each Other


Jesus taught us to pray, “Forgive us our debts, as we also forgive our debtors” (Matthew 6:12). We need Your forgiveness now, as we’ve been reluctant to forgive one another. We are hurt and angry and feel justified in these harsh emotions. But You have not called us to hold grudges. You called us to repent and forgive.

God, help us to acknowledge our mistakes with humility. Move our hearts to see the other person’s side, to genuinely feel regret for what we’ve said or done. Help our apologies to be sincere and complete. May we forsake that wrongdoing in the future. May we regain our loved one’s trust.

Conversely, may we accept those honest apologies generously. Help us to truly forgive and forget. Help us not to pack away this mistake so we can use it as ammunition later. We want total and full forgiveness—the same kind You give us.

Thank You, Lord, for demonstrating this kind of love for us. You are always and ever our example. May we be more like You.


Prayer for Communication and Understanding 

Lord, our God,

Communication is the beating heart of a marriage, and we want ours to be healthy and strong. You did not give us the ability to read each other’s minds, so may we learn to communicate, listen, and understand. These are incredible gifts we long to give each other, but we need help getting there.

Please fine-tune our communication. Teach us to be vulnerable, to be the spouse who goes first: shares first, accepts first, listens first, forgives first. We want to be tender and offer each other a refuge of understanding. 

May our marriage become a safer, stronger fortress of connection.

In Jesus’s name, Amen.   

Prayer for Respect and Honor

Dear Heavenly Father,

You’ve called us to honor one another above ourselves (Romans 12:10) and to show proper respect to everyone (1 Peter 2:17). This is what we want in our marriage. Lord, we know that when we get comfortable, we become susceptible to laziness and take each other for granted. It’s easy to show off for others and let our guard down behind the scenes. Help us to repent of this tendency, Father. We desire a stronger foundation, a marriage rooted in honor and respect for our spouse.

Reveal where we’ve fallen short, God. Help us to own up to our weaknesses and persevere in our strengths. May our marriage be a mirror that reflects Your love to the world.

In Jesus’s name, we pray. Amen.

Prayer for Peace and Harmony in Your Marriage

Dear God,

You say, “You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in you” (Isaiah 26:3). We want this perfect peace for our marriage. We know that troubles will come, that the world is full of discord and strife, but You provide a safe harbor for anyone who puts their faith in You alone.

Lord, we desire peace in our circumstances, but more importantly, peace between us, too. We want to be two complementary halves, working together to shine Your light in our relationship and to others. Help us to be a dynamic harmony that reflects Heaven’s melody. Guide us on Your paths of peace. Help us to embody this fruit of the spirit (Galatians 5:22).

In the name of the Prince of Peace, we pray. Amen.

Prayers for Specific Challenges in Marriage

Praying is paramount during the storms of life, and marriage is not without its trials. Whatever you’re going through, the Lord is listening. Try one of these marriage prayers in crisis. One way to use them is to write a prayer on a notecard and choose a specific time of day. Set an alarm on your phone, and when it goes off, pray the prayer you’ve chosen. Repeat this daily. Then, watch God work. 

Prayer for Financial Stress

Gracious Heavenly Father,

Thank You for providing for us in so many ways. Lord, You are generous and good, and we are grateful for Your tender mercies. We come before You with financial stress weighing heavy on our minds. We are not sure how we’ll make it through this season and need Your provision to see us through. Give us the wisdom to use our money wisely. Help us to sacrifice where we need to sacrifice and step out in faith where we need to step out in faith.  

As the Proverb says, give us neither poverty nor riches, but precisely what we need (Proverbs 30:8-9). We know everything belongs to You anyway (Psalm 50:12). Transform us into faithful stewards of the money You grant us. If we need to repent, reveal where we must repent. If we need to trust You, help us to trust. If we need to endure, give us strength to the end.

You are sovereign over all things. Everything is in Your care. We believe.


Prayer for Health Issues 

Father God,

You called Yourself Jehovah Rapha, the Lord who heals (Exodus 15:26), and we need Your healing hand now. [I am/SPOUSE’S NAME is] afflicted with [HEALTH ISSUE] and seek[s] restoration. This ailment is weighing on [my/her/his] body, and I ask You to deliver [me/her/him] from it. 

We are open to miraculous healing, but we submit ourselves to Your instruction. Reveal to us the best way to take care of [my/her/his] body. Show us the proper diet, lifestyle, and treatments needed to bring things back into balance. [Grant the doctors and nurses wisdom as they seek to understand this illness.] Help [me/him/her] to surrender to these remedies with determination and trust that You are working on [my/his/her] behalf. 

Thank you, Lord. Amen.

Prayer for Infertility 

Dear God,

The Bible says, “Children are a gift from the Lord; they are a reward from him” (Psalm 127:3 NLT). God, we come before You, childless and grieving. We long for babies to call our own. We long to grow our family and to hear tiny giggles and pattering feet through our home. You’ve called parenthood good. You told us to be fruitful and multiply. We want these things, Lord, desperately. Please grant us this petition. Please give us a baby of our own. 

Lord, even if You don’t say yes, we believe You are good. But until You tell us it’s time to quit, we won’t give up. Show us what comes next. Prepare our hearts for what You have in store. Heal what’s broken in our bodies. Refine us into the parents You would want us to be. Show us ways we can be mothers and fathers to the children in our community right now.

Deal gently with us, Father. We are tender and full of longing. Be a comfort to us as we press on.

Not our will, but Yours be done. Amen.

Prayer for Parenting Challenges 

Dear God,

We come before You with our [son/daughter] in our hearts. You have given us the momentous task of teaching this child the way [he/she] should go, so [he/she] will not depart from it (Proverbs 22:6). We want [CHILD’S NAME] to grow in wisdom and stature and in favor with God and men, the way Your son Jesus did (Luke 2:52). But we are at a crossroads, Father. We are out of our depths and need Your wisdom on what to do next. 

Grant us the wisdom to parent [CHILD’S NAME] well. We want to rebuke and correct with love and not with manipulation or in our anger. We want to teach [him/her] how to live in a way that glorifies You. Move in our child’s heart, God. Reveal Your tender care. Help [him/her] see the error of their ways. 

And move on our hearts, too. Mold us into the models our child needs. Help us to repent of anything that gets in the way of raising this child, Your child, properly. Teach us to apologize well, forgive quickly, and parent rightly. 

In Jesus’s name, we pray. Amen.

Couple Praying to overcome challenges in marriage

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Prayer for Intimacy and Passion

Holy One,

You designed marriage to be an intimate and passionate relationship. This is a special connection, blessed for this purpose. It is a closeness that exists only between a husband and wife. However, our marriage isn’t living to the fullness of intimate potential. We ache for something deeper but don’t know the way. Show us how to unlock this sacred space. Teach us the kind of sacrificial, vulnerable love required to thrive in this type of covenant. Forgive us where we have fallen short, and help us to forgive each other, too.

Rekindle this flame so that it may burn brightly, not just for the desires of the flesh, but for Your honor and glory.

In Jesus’s name, we pray. Amen.

Prayers for Protection and Guidance

The world is a tough place for God-fearing couples. Satan sets traps everywhere that can snare marriages and separate husbands and wives. Prayers for marriage that include requests for protection and guidance through the trials of life are paramount. The next time you face difficulty, try one of these marriage prayers for bride and groom and watch how God delivers.

Prayer for Protection From Temptation 

Lord Almighty,

There are so many things in this world trying to lead us away from each other and from You. We ask for You to place a shield of protection around our marriage, family, and home as we live in the world but not of it (John 17:14-15). Protect us with Your Spirit. May we be like Daniel and Joseph, who were strong against temptation even in the face of terrible consequences.

Purify our hearts and minds. “Bring us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one” (Matthew 6:13).


Prayer for Guidance in Decision-Making 

Father in Heaven,

You see the decision before us and that we don’t know which way to choose. You assure us that we can trust in You with all our hearts and to not lean on our own understanding. In all our ways we long to acknowledge You, so that You would make straight our paths (Proverbs 3:5). Help us to make the right decision. Help us to heed Your guidance.

May our next steps be according to Your will. Amen.

Prayer for Wisdom and Discernment 


Your Word says, “If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him” (James 1:5). Lord, we feel lacking in wisdom. Pour it liberally on us, without reproach.

Help us to lean into one another’s strengths to trust each other, and give us discernment. Help us make this decision as a team, trust in You wholeheartedly, and step forward in faith that You have granted us this petition for understanding.

With You are wisdom and might; to You belong counsel and understanding (Job 12:13). Make us mirrors of You.


Prayer for Spiritual Growth and Maturity 

Author and Finisher of our faith,

Our hearts are full of longing for more of You. We want more of You in our marriage, more of You in our home, and more of You in our everyday life. We want to grow spiritually and in maturity, to be perfect as You are perfect. Teach us Your ways, God. Refine us like gold in the fire. Draw our hearts nearer and nearer to You so that we can’t tell where You begin and where we end.

We know that a prayer like this can come with growing pains. Prepare us for that road. May we support one another on this journey, closer to You and each other.


couple praying for protection and guidance before marriage

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Prayer for a God-Centered Marriage

Dear Heavenly Father,

Thank you for bringing us together. Thank You for this marriage, relationship, and loving covenant. Help us to make Jesus the focus of our hearts, the example by which we do all things. Teach us to submit one to another, just as You instruct, so that we serve each other daily and for Your honor and glory.

Your Word says two is better than one but that “a threefold cord is not easily broken” (Ecclesiastes 4:12). Hear our prayers for a God-centered marriage. Bind us together in Your love.


Prayers for Blessings and Favor

A prayer for blessing is a way of presenting God with our desires and dreams. Whether you’re looking for a wedding blessing to share at a ceremony or are in a mature marriage seeking God’s continued favor, these prayers can help. Be open and honest with God, but be sure to count all the ways He is already blessing you both.

Prayer for God’s Blessing on Your Marriage 


You are good and Your loving kindness endures forever (1 Chronicles 16:34). We praise You for all You are and all the ways You bless us. We ask especially for Your favor to be poured out on our marriage. We want this union to thrive under Your grace and to be a beacon of Your love to everyone we encounter. May our relationship grow in grace, truth, and beauty according to Your will.


Prayer for Favor and Success in All You Do 

Dear Heavenly Father,

We come before You as husband and wife, seeking Your favor. Together, we work toward the dreams and plans You set in our hearts. We ask that You bless us with success in these endeavors so that both sunshine and rain will give us a flourishing harvest. Bury our pride under Your goodness, so that we may know and believe that all goodness comes from Your hand. Thank You for the many blessings and mercies You already extend to us every day.


Prayer for a Long and Happy Life Together 


We are so grateful for this marriage, Father. We are blessed beyond measure to know one another, love one another, and walk side-by-side through this life. We ask for Your continued blessing upon us. May our days be filled with Your goodness and truth. May our union be enduring and blessed. May we grow old together but, more importantly, grow closer to You through this relationship.

Thank You for Your love. Amen.

Prayer for a Legacy of Love and Faith for Your Children 

Father of all,

We are so grateful that You’ve given us these beautiful children to raise and steward for Your kingdom. They are the delight of our hearts, and we praise Your name for your goodness toward our family. We ask that this joy be molded into a lifelong legacy for [CHILDREN’S NAMES]. May we model a love and faith that sets them on the path toward Your kingdom. May our marriage be an example for their future relationships, a life-long commitment to sacrifice, love, and servanthood. May each of them feel our unending love and, most of all, Your unfaltering grace.

In Jesus’s name, we pray. Amen.

Prayer for a Marriage That Glorifies God

Lord of our hearts,

You alone are worthy of all glory, honor, and praise. We desire that everything we say and do be turned into incense that rises to Your throne. Today, we want to present our marriage as a sacrifice. May it be pleasing in Your sight. Teach us Your ways so that our every step and breath glorifies Your throne. 

In Jesus’s name, Amen.

Additional Prayers Related to Marriage

If you still haven’t found a prayer you want to use or are looking for more, here are some additional marriage prayers and wedding prayers that you can use with your future or current spouse to ask God to bless and keep you all your days.

Prayer for Enduring Love

Dear God,

We want to love like You – completely and forever. We know that the storms of life will rage, that we will cross mountains and valleys, but, God, we ask for a love that endures to the end. We don’t want to be blown around by our circumstances. We want to be steadfast and true. Teach us to serve one another in a way that makes our love last for a lifetime.

In Jesus’s name, Amen.

prayers for marriage

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Prayer for Commitment to Each Other

Our Father in Heaven,

We thank You for this marriage. Thank You for leading us to one another and joining our hearts as one. You take this covenant seriously, just as seriously as all the covenants You’ve made with Your people. May we hold it in the same esteem. Help us to be dogged about this commitment and never falter or waver in our determination to be on each other’s team. Kindle our marriage into a refining fire that makes us more like You.

In Jesus’s name, Amen.

Prayer for Open and Honest Communication

Gracious Lord,

You know everything there is to know about every form of communication, and we come before You, looking to learn from the best. Our prayer is for communication in our marriage. Help us hone this skill, practice it with patience and vulnerability, and cultivate trust in each other and in the strength of our marriage. Lord, we have stumbled along the way, so we ask You to lift us up. Please teach us how to speak, think, and act in a way that mimics You.

May our marriage reflect the close connection You desire with Your church.

In Jesus’s name, Amen. 

Prayer for Forgiveness and Reconciliation 

Merciful Father,

Lord, our hearts are broken. Feelings are high. We are hurting, angry, and defensive because of the choices that were made. Forgive us for any wrongdoing, Father. Make us clean and make us whole. In light of that mercy, bend our hearts toward forgiveness for one another. May we humble ourselves to accept responsibility for the mistakes made, move forward accountably, and submit ourselves to any appropriate boundaries or rebuke.

Make us tender again, God. Make our hearts warm to each other. Help us be drawn to each other in humility, forgiveness, and reconciliation. Meet us where we are and help us to meet each other in that same way. Lord, we don’t want a Band-Aid solution. We want true healing. We don’t want to avoid the hard emotions. We want to explore them all so that our closeness can be rekindled and stronger than ever.

Bring us both to the foot of the cross. Hide us under the wing of Your mercy.

In Jesus’s name, Amen.

Pray Without Ceasing

A marriage prayer is a powerful way to seek God as a couple. Choosing one of these prewritten prayers, or writing your own, are great ways to get into the habit of bringing your marriage before the Lord. No matter how you do it, trust the Lord with your relationship. As Paul says, “Pray without ceasing. In everything give thanks, for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus toward you” (1 Thessalonians 5:17-18). Believe that He hears. He will answer.

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